Amel Djait

Journalist and communication expert, she is the founder of the digital guide and lifestyle magazine 1001Tunisie.
Advisor to the Tunisian Minister of Tourism (2014-2015), received the “Google Tunisia Innovation” Award (2013) and the ASBU Award for “Tabbani”, a TV show produced with ERTT (2013). In 2017, she was awarded, as author, by the National Academy of Cooking (ANC-France), a Special Prize for the GIZ and Ministry of Agriculture book “Tunisian and Flavours of the Terroirs”. In 2019, she launched the “Editions 55”, publishing a collection dedicated to the regions of the country.

Since 2017, Amel produces and presents a radio show – “Alf Thneya we thneya” – which tells the story of Tunisia through its roads, sites, destinations, regions, businesses, passions, … For this production, she received the “Tunisia Award 2019” the “Jasmin d’Or 2019” journalist of the year award for her efforts in promoting Tunisian tourism.

Amel runs “DAR DJBEL”, a guesthouse located in the agricultural gardens around Hammamet.

She is a member of the Executive Board of the National Chamber of Women Entrepreneurs (UTICA).
